Blog Archives

Carole’s June Blog

Dear All,

Since we have not had an AGM for two years, we thought we should do it. We have a few things to decide and we really need some new blood. I have been having some health issues and would like to resign. Norman also has been having health issues and needs to reduce his work load. Keith Cresswell has kindly drafted a note to people he knows who may wish to join the WCUG and help out. If you know anyone and would like a copy sent to a group or individual,  please let us know. We will be having the AGM on 26 July which is our usual Pub night but this time it won’t be virtual but at the Old Woking Community Centre on Sandridge Road, Old Woking starting At 7pm.   It would be nice if as many people as possible could come.

Virtual pub night is this Tues 28 June. At 7pm; please contact me – – for the link

Other news: The monthly ride will be led by Barbara and George. The ride will be on Sunday 17 July starting from near the children’s playground in Woking Park at 2pm. Don’t forget to bring an inner tube for your bike should you have a puncture. This may be a longer afternoon ride so we may be back a little later than normal.

Happy cycling.
Carole Frost

Posted in Blog

Carole’s May Blog

Dear All,

Despite the iffy weather last Sunday three hardy souls accompanied Robin on our first Sunday ride of the year. They enjoyed it despite the weather!

Our next ride will be led by Val and Julia on 19 June, starting at 2PM,  leaving from the leisure centre. There will be only one meeting point this time. Do remember to bring a spare inner tube for your bike should you get a puncture.

Our next virtual pub night is this Tues, 31 May at 7pm. Please ask me for the link if you don’t already have it. 

I received the following regarding the improvements on M25 junction 10/A3 Wisley interchange which might be of interest to our members:

Keeping you informed  You can find out more about our plans and keep up to date with the project on our dedicated webpage: There is also the opportunity for you to sign up to updates via the webpage.If you have any questions, please contact us either by email on or call 0300 123 5000 and one of the team will be happy to help.

I received the following from Keith Cresswell which I thought would be interesting to all:

“For info. The Environment Agency held a real and virtual Road Show this past week on the Sanway Flood Alleviation scheme.  This will involve building a 2m bund/shuttering at the end of Sanway Road/ beginning of Muddy Lane stretching round Common Meadows to Manor Farm.  It looks an excellent scheme  creating natural water meadows and a nature park under Woking Borough Council ownership.  

They kept referring to the existing footpath and new footpaths. I pointed out (as I had at the previous consultation) that Sanway Road and Muddy Lane was a bridleway and the  crossing of the bund should accommodate cyclists, horseriders as well as pedestrians and mobility vehicles. They apologised for the looseness of language and advised that they had been aware and plan a wide crossing of the bund at reasonable gradients.

I will monitor as plans develop but it would be as well for other users of Muddy Lane to check too. Completion is anticipated by winter 2025. “

Forgot to mention that Bike Week is 6/12 June. Also attention to all those who like a weekend away cycle/packing, I  saw in the that a new 145 mile cycle  route has been opened in Kent called the Cantii Way.

Happy Cycling

Carole Frost

Posted in Blog

Carole’s April Blog

Dear All,

Over the past few weeks there has been an upgrade to the old grass cycle track on North Meadow, Goldsworth Park. It has been transformed into a wonderful new facility with a pump track, mini MTB circuit and Cyclocross course.  Clark & Kent Contractors (who built the BMX track for the 2012 Olympic events) have now finished the facility  which was formally opened at an event on 23rd April.  (Sorry this was too late to let you attend) The tracks will be reserved for exclusive use by Woking CC’s and Charlotteville’s GoRide groups on Saturday mornings and will prove an invaluable resource to all young riders in the area to encourage cycling and help develop skills.  The improvements were  paid for by matching funds with British Cycling and Woking County Council. I am sure there will be information on the opening hours on the councils web site soon. 

As you may know, Woking county council has a programme called Planet Woking ( The programme is to raise the profile of what the Council and its partners are doing to tackle climate change and sustainability locally and to inspire the local community to live a greener, more sustainable life. Alongside the dedicated website and social media accounts, they hold a series of themed online talks aimed at residents, schools and businesses to inspire action.  

 So far they  have hosted three online webinars on the themes of “Home”, “The Great Outdoors” and “Urban Life – Adapting to a Changing Climate”. They  were joined by expert speakers and the sessions were followed by a short discussion during which viewers could ask the panel questions.  There  next theme is Sustainable Transport  which you may like to join  online (via Zoom or Teams) at 6.30pm on Wednesday 18 May 2022. To register. Go to the Planet Woking website.

 Our first  easy ride of the season will be Sunday 15 May. We will have two starts this time. We will leave Woking Park at 2PM and then meet up with those who would prefer at the bridge over the canal at Bridge Barn for departure at 2:15. The ride will be lead by Robin and go to the Field of Rememberence Café in Windlesham. If you need to contact Robin on the day, his contact number is 07812 831494. Please may we ask for all riders to bring an extra inner tube for your bike should you have a flat tyre.

 Our virtual pub night is this Tuesday 26 April.  Please ask me for the link if you don’t already have it. 

And the meeting login (not needed if you use the link above) Meeting ID: 871 5480 8439   Password: WCUG

If you have any suggestions for infrastructure projects in Woking, perhaps you could pass them on to me so I can pass them on to Andrew Malcher who is interested in passing them on to Woking, perhaps at the Webinar .

Happy cycling.

Carole Frost

Posted in Blog

Carole’s March Blog

Dear All,

What lovely weather. I hope you have been  able to get  out to enjoy it on your bikes. This is to  remind you that Woking XR are planning a Cycling Action Demo  with the aim of demonstrating to WBC that there is a demand for active travel facilities and in particular cycling. This will be on 26th March starting at 1PM and  will do a loop of Woking and West Byfleet. There was a zoom meeting regarding the plans on Thursday which I sent a link to  last week and hopefully some of you were able to attend.

Pub night for our group is next Tues, 29 March at 7PM.  Please ask me for the link if you don’t already have it.

Happy cycling.
Carole Frost

Posted in Blog

Carole’s January Blog

Dear All,

Seems a little late to say Happy New Year but it is the start of another year. Here is hoping 2022 will be a healthy, fun-filled year.

Norman has been spending a lot of his energy on helping feed those who are in need. He has organised the Woking refrigerator project and he could always use volunteers should you like to help out.

His project for a safe family walking and cycle route from Chobham to Woking is drawing to an end. Well done for his perseverance.

We will be starting our virtual pub nights again this month. The first one will be 7pm on Tuesday, 25 Jan.  Please ask me for the link if you don’t already have it.  Come to pub night and tell us what events in 2022 would inspire you to keep cycling!

Happy cycling
Carole Frost
WCUG membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s November Blog

Dear All,

I asked around in my last email who would like to have a Christmas dinner this year. Our chairperson was very much in favour of having one but I fear that most of the rest of the respondents preferred to wait till a sunny period  next year to celebrate together outdoors. So I am afraid I am announcing that the dinner will be cancelled again this year.

Last year Norman was working on a cycle route from Chobham to Woking. They are actually going to start work on the route starting from Chobham on 6 December 2021! Here is the plan which I saw thanks to Cllr. Lance Spencer posting on Facebook.
Carole Frost

Posted in Blog

Carole’s October Blog

Dear All,
We had a lovely final ride for the year to Windsor Great Park to see the Acers. They were not quite as colourful as previous years but the ride was nice. You can see a picture of the happy cyclists on our web page. Thank you Sandra for leading it.

The subject of our Christmas dinner was brought up and we thought we would discuss it at our next virtual Pub night, this coming Tuesday 26 October at 7pm.
If you can’t attend perhaps you could send me your thoughts on the matter of a Christmas dinner at The Sovereigns by return email. Thank you.

I received an email today from the National Highway saying the  Secretary of State has decided to re-set the statutory deadline for decision on the M25 junction 10/A3 Wisley interchange improvement application to 12 May 2022 This is to allow for further consideration of environmental matters. For more information visit the  M25 junction 10 web page.

Meanwhile Norman has been working away trying to get the council to improve the lot for cyclists and pedestrians.I will copy his letters and reply below.

Happy cycling

Carole Frost

Norman’s correspondences:

Hello Matt,

As you may know I am the chair of the Woking Cycle Users Group WCUG ,we have been working hard to 1/ get  cyclists and pedestrian routes standards back to where they need to be and 2/ Have pedestrian/cycle routes provided between Woking and all  surrounding communities…

Two examples which we as a cycle group-,me personally,Will Forster. and other correspondence to the local news papers have been sadly disregarded are 

[1] The condition of the roadway at the temporary pedestrian road crossing at the Victoria Arch at the junction with the HIgh St,A 320  and Goldsworth Road and the fact that” for many years the crossing Green period was only 4 seconds- not long enough for a disabled,pram pusher  to get across before the red light showed.This was dispite representation to SCC Enginers,WBC chief executive and the disabled representative in Woking.

I my great relief that time was extended to 7 seconds about 2 months ago.

[2] The pedestrian crossing in Old Woking across the high street has a sounder to alert the blind Residents who lives in Hassle Court and shops at the Bob Bon shop.The strip of tarmac is in a very rough state,not safe for a blind person to take advantage of the crossing with out a companion.Representations of Will Forster,local residents and the shop manager have had no attention,See my photograph showing my highlighting the situation on the day before SCCD engineers repaired orange market on the road outside of the crossing route.

These are examples of a, cycle/pedestrian routes in a shocking state of non repair,repaint,clear of rubbish,repair when the main part of the road is repaired.Pedestrian routes and cycle routes to damaged for cyclists and pedestrians to use them

The point I have tried to emphasise is that the group of road users who suffer the major deaths and injuries on the roads get virtually NO spending ,whilst the safe vehicle drivers have a vast amount,the focus needs to refocused in order to stop the unnecessary imbalance.

Kind Regards

He received the following reply:

 On 18 October 2021 at 09:15 Matthew Furniss <> wrote: 

Dear Mr Johns,

Thank you for your email of 10 September and for highlighting the condition of the temporary pedestrian road crossing at the Victoria Arch and Goldsworth Road junction, and at the pedestrian crossing in Old Woking High Street. Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in responding to you.

I have spoken to our Asset Management team about these crossings who have provided me the following information:

“The Victoria Road crossing is potentially affected by the Victoria Arch Scheme which is part of the major development in and around Woking. You may already be familiar with the widening scheme but if you would like to know more information, it can be found here Victoria Arch widening scheme: project background | Woking Borough Council.  Unfortunately we would not take action to resurface this section of road at this stage due to the likely impact of the widening scheme. However, in the meantime we will continue to inspect the area as part of our regime of safety inspections and will repair any defects that meet our intervention levels. More information on how we inspect our roads can be found here Highway Safety Inspections – standards and procedures – Surrey County Council ( It is always helpful when members of the public report issues they have identified and the quickest way to get them reviewed by an Inspector is to report them via our online website here Surrey County Council – Tell us about potholes or other issues with roads and cycle lanes (

The crossing you refer to in Old Woking High Street is part of our future plans for resurfacing in the area. The map below is an extract from our interactive map on our website which shows the planned maintenance and improvement work for Highways. Unfortunately, this work is unlikely to take place this financial year due to other works that have taken priority, but we will continue to inspect the location for safety defects and any deterioration of the road surface. The scheme will stay on the programme and be considered for future years or budgets as they become available. Once a scheme has been prioritised for work it will be updated on this map. I have attached a link to the map on our website if you wish to monitor the scheme for prioritisation Horizon – highway maintenance investment programme – Surrey County Council (

As stated above we have arranged for our Highway Safety Inspector to visit both locations and, if any safety defects are present, arrange for them to be repaired.  If there are no actual defects there that meet our intervention level, in accordance with our Safety Inspection Policy, we will consider whether we can carry out some patching work there (this is not resurfacing) but this will depend on the Victoria Arch Scheme, as above, how much of the road is in poor condition and what funds are available.

We take the safety of all road and pavement users into consideration when carrying out our highway safety inspections, repairs and surveys and thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.”

I appreciate this is not possibly not the response you were hoping for but I hope the above information is useful and thank you once again for contacting me.

Kind regards
Matt Furniss

Posted in Blog

Carole’s September Blog

Dear All,

Tomorrow, Sunday 26/9/21  is National #GetOutsideDay so it is a good excuse to get out on your bike and have a ride. We were fortunate that the rain was in the morning on our last easy Sunday ride which was led by Robin to Lightwater so we had a very nice dry ride.

Our next ride will be the long afternoon ride on 10 October led by Barbara and George. We will be leaving from the leisure centre exactly at 2 PM  We leave from near the children’s playground in Woking Park and please be sure to bring a spare inner tube for your bike should you need one.

The last easy Sunday ride for the year will be the following Sunday  17 Oct., leaving again at 2PM from near the children’s playground. Please note that  if you have symptoms of Covid 19 or someone in your household is infected, please do not come on any of our rides.

Our next  virtual pub night, will be this Tues, 28 Sept at 7PM.  Please ask me for the link.

Happy Cycling.
Carole Frost
Membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s July Blog 2

Dear All,

Our chairperson, Norman Johns had a letter published in the News and Mail of 15 July,2021  which goes as follows:

Dire conditions for cyclists and pedestrians

Dear Editor, A Woking Borough Council officer who we met could not appreciate why I and Steve Millard from the Woking Cycle Users’ Group were very concerned about the state of pavements and roads in the town centre. The risk to children, adults and cyclists in Woking is extreme.

The temporary pedestrian lights at the bottom of High Street are still giving just four seconds for people to cross the road and the contraflow cycle route on the High Street has been blocked by unjustified and unnecessary bollards for some time.

The short time allowed to cross the road before traffic gets the green light has been pointed out to the authorities many times.

The cycle lane markings under Victoria Arch are no longer visible and bollards are obstructing this route on both sides of the road. The condition of the A320 Guildford Road, especially at the to take point where traffic enters the access to the railway sidings, is dire.

The road surface is so bad that I need to take a line in the middle of the road putting me at risk.

It seems that Surrey country Council also accepts these extreme conditions, stating the pedestrian crossing is a temporary arrangement—even though it has been in place for many years.

No wonder the UK has the worse road death records for children—especially the disabled – pedestrians and cyclists than any other country in the world. What a disgraceful situation.

Norman would like me to draw this article to your attention and ask all members  to write to WBC and SCC putting their individual comments  forward and lamenting the situation. He hopes the power of the masses will prevail.

Meanwhile we received the notification on the Muddy Lane court of appeal decision which was held 8 July 2021. For those who would like to read the decision in full you can follow this link:   For those of us who want to just know the results, the appeal was not upheld so for now it remains a bridleway for our use, but the objectors may opt to take their case further.

We also received an email from Highways England to say: In May the Secretary of State for Transport asked for more time to make a final decision on whether we can continue with our proposals to improve the M25 junction 10/A3 Wisley interchange. In his statement, the Secretary of State shared a new deadline of 12 November 2021. 

Our Virtual Pub night will be next Tues. 27 July starting at 7PM. Please ask me for the link.

Our next easy Sunday ride will be 15 August  leaving the leisure centre at 2PM. Don’t forget to bring a spare innertube for your bike should you have a puncture.  I fear the last ride was not well attended but the 30 degree heat may have had something to do with it!!

Keep hydrated if you are cycling in this heat and stay safe.

Happy Cycling,

Carole Frost
WCUG membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s July Covid-19 Blog

Dear All,

I can’t decide if this is summer or not!! Talk about changeable weather. We were fortunate to have decent weather on our last ride to see the giraffes of Send. Our next easy Sunday ride will be 18 July leaving the leisure centre at 2PM. Norman will be leading the ride. Don’t forget to bring a spare inner tube for your bike should you have a puncture.

For those who want more of an adventure, Barbara and George are cycling to the coast on the Downslink starting on Sat. morning 17 July. If you would like to join them get in contact with Barbara direct: or mobile 07742 80 90 31.  They are going to wild camp on Saturday night and cycle back on Sunday but as an alternative, you can come back by train on Saturday.

We had to postpone by an hour Pub night last week due to the footie but this month we will already be champions or mourning our defeat! Virtual pub night will be 27 July at 7:00.  Please contact me for the link.

Happy Cycling.

Carole Frost
Membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s June Covid-19 Blog

Dear All,

A little good news on the Easy Sunday ride front. Cycling U K, who we have our insurance with,  says we can have rides with up to 15 people so if you would like to go on a ride you only need to show up at Woking Park for a two o’clock departure. Needless to say, if you have symptoms of Covid 19 or someone in your household is infected, please do not come on a ride. Our next ride will be Sunday 20 June when we will be heading out Send way to check on the giraffes . The ride will be about 15 miles of easy cycling. Bring a drink so we can stop for a rest, in groups of six of course,  or we might find a pub with enough tables outside to accommodate groups of 6.

Should also mention that our all day ride will be a little different this year. Barbara and George who will lead it are into wild camping sooooooo they will leave Saturday morning cycling to the coast via the Downs link and then spend the night on the coast and come back the following day. Those who would like to forget the overnight stay can get the trains back to Woking on Saturday.   They would like to do it on the weekend of 10 July but if the weather is not good they will move the date to the  17 July.

I hope everyone went out for a  ride on Sunday 30 May and logged their ride for the World’s biggest bike ride all part of Bike Week.

Virtual pub night will be 29 June at 7:00 – please contact me for the link.

Happy Cycling.
Carole Frost
Membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s May Covid-19 Blog

Dear All,

It is almost the end of the month so a little reminder that virtual pub night is next Tues,25 May,  starting at 7. Please contact me for the link if you would like to join us.

The Biggest bike ride is Sunday 30 May so you are encouraged to get on your bike that day . Be sure to log your ride! Here is the link to pledge your miles:

Happy cycling
Carole Frost
Membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s April Covid-19 Blog

Dear All,

Now that the weather has improved and spring actually seems to be here, I hope everyone has been able to get out on their bikes.

Cycling UK wants us all to  participate in the  World’s Biggest Bike Ride. It will be part of Bike Week which is from 30 May to 5 June and they ask you to commit to riding your bike on 30 May 2021.  To read all about it and get involved follow the link: There are a lot of  events and if you go for a ride on 30 May and log the ride you will be doing your part to show how many people ride their bikes.  Any distance will count.

I attended a web meeting today regarding the former Wisley airfield cycle consultation. They are promoting cycling and sustainable transport in a big way. The meeting this time was mostly about the provision for cycling within the settlement and routes to nearby stations and towns. One of the routes was to Byfleet/New Haw station and I had to report the sad news that our battle doesn’t seem to be over yet in regard to Muddy Lane. We had an email from Daniel last week saying that Mr Salaman and Mr Garland have been given leave to Appeal a small legal matter in the High Court’s decision which was issued back on 10 July 2020. The hearing date is 7/8th July. My response  was “Oh Nooooooo.”  Anyway I will let you know  the outcome in due course.

Back to the web meeting. G-Bug were very interested in getting some improvements made on Old Lane so there would be a safe and quick commute to Effingham Junction for residence of the settlement. The project seems to prefer access to the train to London and Guildford via West Horsley and Stoke d’Abernon stations since much of the routes are already in place. To get improvements on Old Lane would take major expenditure. They spoke of quiet lanes which are being sign posted in the UK and they would be lovely for us if ever they got in place and people adhered to the idea. We discussed secure parking at stations which  we all know is of major concern.

If you would like to see information from Highways England regareding the A3/ M25 junction 10 , you can see it on

Virtual pub night will be this Tuesday 27 April at 7PM.  If you would like to join us, please contact me for the link.

Stay safe and Happy Cycling.

Carole Frost
Membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s March Covid-19 Blog

Dear All,

Is it too early to wish you a “Happy Easter”? Or maybe I should be wishing you a “Happy get out with more people” with the road map moving along a little come Monday.

We had an enquiry a few weeks ago asking us if there was any place to park  bikes in town that was particularly safe. Norman had a word with the council security officer and he said the best place would be one that was covered by CCTV  and the only one in town was the covered bike racks on Victoria Way by the council building, on the town side near the crossing near Bedser bridge. So I will pass that on for information only.

I heard that Woking Cycle Club has approached  the council to make improvements and changes at the BMX track on Goldsworth Park and matching funds have been secured. It will be a good place for children to learn to ride a bike.

Now that the lockdown is easing a bit it is permissible to get together with 5 other people to go for a bike ride.

There are lots of virtual challenges about to get you out and about. I saw one for Cancer Research

Virtual Pub night will be this coming Tuesday 30 March at 7PM. If you would like to join us, please contact me for the link.

Enjoy the lovely weather and happy cycling.
Stay safe,
Carole Frost
WCUG membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s February Covid-19 Blog

Dear All,

I hope the weather is going to keep up this trend to be warmer. The visit from the Beast from the East can be over for the year as far as I am concerned!

As the lockdown continues, there is not a lot to report. Some restrictions MAY be lifted by the time of my next email. Meanwhile there is nothing stopping you from cycling with the family or one friend.

Norman continues to battle for the safer route between Chobham and Woking but with little response from SCC.

I did read in the local paper that a British Olympic cycling enthusiast, Almee Fuller, was encouraging people to participate in the British Heart foundation (BHF) 30 day virtual cycling challenge called My Cycle. The coronavirus hit charities hard last year. Join her and start pedalling to up the miles and get sponsored to help raise vital funds for life-saving research into heart and circulatory diseases. For more information visit

Cycling UK has announced that Bike week this year will be 30 May to 5 June with lots of virtual events.  Here is the web site to see what interests you:

George and I had a zoom meeting  in early December with a gentleman from Taylor Wimpey to ask our views on the proposals from the development of the former Wisely Airfield site. Our main concern was the access of cycle routes to nearby stations, secure parking for cycles at stations and cycle provision within the development. We have now received an email from the lady involved with the Community Liaison Group which reads as follows:

We are gathering community feedback for the next stage of our work on the proposed development of the Former Wisley Airfield. We have been speaking with members of the CLG, local interest groups, businesses, schools and faith groups via Zoom to help us understand how much different groups know about the proposals and identify main priorities and concerns from across the community. 

We want to make sure that as many people as possible feel informed about the proposal before it is submitted, and know their feedback and views have been listened to and counted. We will not be responding to any of the points raised in these interviews, but we will be recording the feedback given and using this to shape our future engagement, consultation and the eventual application.
We would very much appreciate your time if you are available and willing to take part – the call should take no more than 20-30 minutes.

Kind regards

Community Liaison Team 

07713940724 |07578622578

If you would like to let them know your views, go to the web site to see the full proposal and feedback form.

Virtual pub night this month will be this coming Tuesday, 23 Feb. from 7 to 8 PM.  If you would like to join us, please contact me for the link.

Happy cycling and stay safe.


Carole Frost

WCUG membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s January Covid-19 Blog

Dear All,

The trouble with this lockdown is that one day seems to run into another so I almost forgot to remind everyone that pub night is next Tuesday at 7 PM. Follow the link and join us [Please contact Carole for the Zoom link].

I fear there was an article in the Woking News and Mail this week reporting that the safer cycling and walking  route Chobham to Woking signs were removed after complaints that they include footpaths. I fear councillors Mike Goodman from Chobham and Colin Kemp from Woking thought they were not suitable and dangerous to the public. Norman wrote a vigorous defence of the route. I urge you to help Norman by writing to the councillors as he suggests.

The Secretary of State has extended the deadline for the decision on the Development Consent Order for improvements to the M25 junction 10/A3 Wisley interchange to 12 May 2021. If you would like to “read all about it” follow the link

On another matter, we had a request from someone who was going to be moving to Woking and requested suggestions of safe places (I presume in the town centre) to keep her bike overnight. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I look forward to seeing anyone who can make it to virtual Pub night.

Happy cycling and stay safe.

Carole Frost
WCUG membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s November Covid-19 Blog

Dear All,

I hope you are all well and able to get out a little and have some rides . You can go out as long as you want on your own or with family members or one other person. I forgot in my last email to remind everyone that as the nights close in,  it is important to “light  up.” Be seen and be safe. It is easy to go out in the morning and forget that by 4PM you will need to have lights to be seen on your way home.

Road safety week is this week 16-22 November. Their main message is that there is no need to speed. If you would like to read their statement and aims, follow the link  Road Safety Week .

Cycling UK had a little article on the use of tow paths which is very appropriate for those in this area since we have so many of them. Here is the link: canal towpaths 

I fear we will not be having our usual Christmas dinner this year but perhaps someone can come up with a virtual Christmas celebration! Come to the Pub Zoom meeting and let us know your thoughts.  Pub night  this month will be next Tuesday24 November.  [Please contact Carole for the Zoom link].

Happy cycling and stay safe.


Carole Frost
WCUG membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s October Covid-19 Blog

Dear All,

This is the usual time that I announce the end of our easy Sunday rides and start to think about our Christmas dinner. How a year changes everything! We are all in tier one or two so it is still possible to go for a ride outside with a few friends. Maximum six.

I would also like to bring to your attention the Government’s consultation  on the revision of the Highway Code. You have until 27 October to let your views be known. .

You can submit your  response either online here or by emailing

To see what Chris Boardman thinks follow this link:–fundamental-reset–of-Highway-Code-0?utm_campaign=1577105_Membership%20inside%20track%2019%2F10%2F20&utm_medium=email&utm_source=British%20Cycling%20V2&dm_i=480K,XSWH,1OCIM2,47BVE,1

Pub night continues on the last Tues of the month. This month it is 27 October at 7PM  [Please contact Carole for the Zoom link].

And the meeting login (not needed if you use the link above)
Meeting ID: 871 5480 8439
Password: WCUG

Happy  cycling and stay safe,


Carole Frost
WCUG membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s September Covid-19 Blog

Dear All,

I fear there is not much to report this month. The Rule of Six still applies to all our rides.  I came across King Alfred’s Way on the Cycling UK’s web site which I thought might be interesting to the long distance off road riders. It isn’t too far from here.

I had a ride down Muddy Lane last week and was delighted to see that part of the gates have been removed so it is easy to navigate from both sides even with a heavy bike. The sign on the Wisley end was skew-whiff  but there is no obstruction and the sign is fine on the Sanway end.

If you would like to join us on our virtual Pub night next Tuesday 29 September at 7PM via  Zoom…. [Please contact Carole for the Zoom link].

Happy cycling and stay safe,

Carole Frost
WCUG membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s August Covid-19 Blog

Dear All,

Our life may not be back to normal but at least we can get out on our bikes in  groups of six. I see Breeze and Woking cycle clubs have restarted rides  in groups of six. I must admit although I don’t like rain, I don’t miss the heat wave

There are many virtual challenges if you want to participate. I know Love to ride has a September challenge where prizes can be won and there is the one for Cancer Research I mentioned last month.

I sent this email to Dan Williams last month:

I went down Muddy Lane for the first time in ages on Sunday and realised it was almost impossible for me to navigate the kissing gates with my heavy e-bike. I was wondering if sometime in the future they will be replacing them with some other bike-friendly device? I realise it is important to keep cars and motorbikes away but thought there must be some other device that would make it easier for bicycles.

For your information, here was his response:

I have asked our maintenance people to take a good look at this route and to figure out what actions we can take which do not allow anti-social behaviour to start here again. Strictly speaking none of the barriers should be here, but their removal I am sure would provoke an outcry and allow vehicles to start using it again. Along with all the problems that  entailed. We have certain powers to install structures under the highways act for safety reasons and I suspect that is what James Browne used when the kissing gates were put in. Unfortunately , despite various options available there is no sure way of allowing equestrian and bicycle use whilst preventing motorcycle use- in my experience a determined biker will find a way. There are various kind of ‘horse stile’ and ‘pinched gap’ which I imagine we will consider, but we will also have to consider any re-existing private rights and ensure that we do not interfere with those.

I am not sure when this will happen but I will give the officers another nudge As you will understand our lockdown workloads have increased significantly due to the much greater number of people out in the Countryside and walking generally so there may be a bit of  delay. Our senior maintenance officer recently told me that all reports coming in to us via our webpage, emails and contact centre have increased by 400-500% during this period!

Kind regards,
Daniel Williams

At least they are on the case! Those more agile than I can use it  to their heart’s delight.

Keith Cresswell has been keeping an eye on Woking’s plans for infrastructure to improve walking and cycling links in the area and he has noted that the CERES trail is the only Woking item subject of SCC’s second tranche bid for Emergency Active Travel funding. He sent a link to the plans which you might find interesting reading. It is true that the plans don’t include much in the way of improvements in the West Byfleet, Pyrford and  Byfleet area. If you live in the area you may wish to contact your local councillor.

I fear my reminder to people who came to our Zoom meeting last month was incorrect so hopefully I will get it right this time. The link in the WCUG matters was correct.  It is next Tuesday 25 August starting at 7PM [Please contact Carole for the Zoom link].

One of our members sister is selling an ebike if anyone is interested. Email me and I will pass it on to the member.

Happy cycling and maybe see you at the Virtual pub night.


Carole Frost
WCUG membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s July Covid-19 Blog

Dear All,

Exciting news, at long last the decision was handed down by the  court regarding the appeal against  Muddy Lane becoming a bridleway. I am happy to report that WE WON! It is now an official bridleway on the definitive map of Surrey. So we can cycle down it. If you want to read the whole submission follow the link: :

For those of you who like a challenge.  Cancer Research is running an event you might like to participate in. It is pledge to ride 200 or 300 miles during September in aid of Cancer Research  UK. Follow the link to see what you need to do.

Our virtual  pub night will be next Tues 28 July at 7pm.  [Contact Carole for the Zoom link]

Happy cycling an keep safe.


Carole Frost
WCUG membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s June Covid-19 Blog

Dear All,

Well we didn’t have an AGM this year but I have received reports from most so I will copy them in another post soon. After our chair’s fundraiser to Portsmouth, I have had to give him a little time to recuperate and write his report. Although we have no idea when we will be able to start our Sunday rides again we will still be working to promote cycling in Woking and the area. We will also still be able to have our virtual Pub nights on the last Tuesday of the month via Zoom. That is next Tuesday, 30 June (please see Carole’s email, or contact her directly, for the link). Here is hoping our long distance ex chair in Knaresburgh will be able to join us again before they are allowed to spend the night on their narrowboat and set off for their summer travels.

In regards to the dues the only way we will be able to collect them is if you either send a cheque made out to Woking Cycle Users Group or cash to me at: 25 Waldens Park Road, Woking, GU21 4RN. I will send you your new card and pass on the money to our treasurer. The dues remain the same £5/yr. or  £20/5 years . Membership is for the whole family and offers free Sunday social rides (when we can do them again)  and discount on an affiliated membership to Cycling UK (formerly CTC). To activate the CTC membership we will need to send you the code. The cost is £26/year and entitles you to third party insurance. Since I send this out to everyone, if you are not sure if your dues are due, just send me a quick email and I will let you know.

I hope we will be able to get together again soon but in the meantime: STAY SAFE

Happy cycling,

Carole Frost
Membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s May Covid19 Blog

I hope you are all keeping safe and enjoying the freedom to be out more than an hour on your bikes and even going with your “own one person”  as long as you keep the physical distance between you.

 I am sure you have all  also heard about the government’s announcement on extra money for cycling to encourage walking and cycling . We now need your help. Do you know of  any plans you would like to see implemented in Woking  to encourage more cycling ? I’m sure you’ve seen on TV the pop-up routes in London and other cities. What roads in Woking could we put forward to do similar? Do you know of any routes that would be quick wins for more cycle space? Please email me right away if you have any suggestions.We will pass them on to Cllr. Ann Marie Barker who is  asking for suggestions.

 Bike week will run from the 6-14 of June this year and we are all encouraged to participate. Of course it is happening “virtually “ so if you want to see how you can get involved follow the link to their website. Bike Week website

Muddy Lane report: We had a reply to our email to Daniel Williams at the end of April regarding this matter. He said “ I have been checking the decisions page several times a day since the day of the hearing- there is no decision yet. The Government Lawyers continue to inform me that they are mystified by this and despite requests for explanations have still heard nothing from the court.” : George and Barbara walked down Muddy Lane over the weekend and said the path is now much wider and easily accessible for cyclists.  He thought  Surrey County Council was responsible for that.  George  met two groups of cyclists along the lane.  One group said they were still occasionally harassed when they go down there. Saga continues.

Norman couldn’t cycle to Portugal as he had wished this year so instead he has decided to do a fund raiser ride to Portsmouth Harbour and back in one day!  He will be setting up a just giving page in the near future and I will let you know all the details in a later email.

We will have to give the AGM a pass this year but I will try to get out a statement of finances and membership report in the near future.

Meanwhile, we will be having another Zoom Pub night next Tues. 26 May starting at 7 pm. I will send you the link at the end of the week. Hope you can make it.

Let me know your ideas for quick wins for more cycling space.


Carole Frost

WCUG membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s April Covid19 Blog

Dear All,

I hope everyone is able to get out following the social distancing rules and spend an occasional hour of their exercise on their bikes. It is surprising how empty the roads are,  Just be careful you don’t add to the NHS’s woes by having an accident. I was most annoyed to read in one of the papers in the letters to the editor that someone who was using their exercise time to litter pick went on to say “as well as lager tins and fag packets, I now find antiseptic wipes and blue surgical gloves—-and loads of plastic energy drink bottles. Why can’t cyclists take them home.”!!! Cyclists?! Why they thought cyclists littered with fag packets, surgical gloves, etc is beyond me.

Since there were no organized rides this month, a few of us joined in with the Elmbridge cycling club’s 9th annual slightly interesting Easter egg hunt set by the quiz master, George James .We started with a Zoom meeting when we were given the questions. Our previous chairman Ian Wright and Helen, even joined us from their home in Knaresborough. George set 25 questions, most of the  answers were available on street view. A few were from the GCHQ puzzle book…like who thought we would ever figure those out! Yet some did. Anyway It was a lot of fun. WCUG always supply the prizes so I must tell our  treasurer we owe them one virtual Easter egg!

And I lied last time when I said that Pub nights were called off.  Since we can’t cycle together, we decided we can still have Pub nights…VIRTUALLY!  George has set it up on Zoom. Hopefully you will only have to use this link to join us. We will start at the usual time of 7:00 and watch George and Barbara finish their dinner. You will all have to bring your own drinks! All who can manage it, are welcome. Please contact me ( for details of how to join in.

See you at the pub!

Stay safe.

Carole Frost
Membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s March Blog

Dear All,

                Just wanted to remind everyone that our easy Sunday rides start again this month. Norman will be leading the ride which will depart from near the children’s park in Woking Park at 2PM on 15 March. The ride will be about 15-18 miles long at a comfortable pace with a stop for tea somewhere. We usually get back about 4:30. Should you need to contact Norman on the day, his mobile number is 07761221340.   Please be sure to bring a spare inner tube for your bike should you unfortunately get a puncture (and lights – Editor).

Norman has been busy working  on trying to get the ban on cycling in the town centre changed. He posed a question at the local committee meeting on 4 March. There were some positive.. .and negative … comments from the councillors but Norman thought progress has been made. Will Forster proposed that a cycling task group be set up and Norman requested that someone from the WCUG be on the task force. It was noted that the cycle network within the town centre should be reviewed before the Victoria Arch works are finalised.

Pub night will be 31 March at the Sovereigns Pub on Guildford Road at 7PM

Happy cycling.

Carole Frost
Membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s February Blog

Dear All,

Another wet and windy weekend. I think we will all be ready for spring when it gets here.

When we were at the pub last time, there was a request from those who usually go that we return to meeting at 7PM. Since our chairman, Norman always has to rush off for something at 8, we put it to the vote and were all in agreement that we will start at 7. Since the refurbishment of The Sovereigns meant the loss of our favourite couch there was also a suggestion we move to another pub. This was dismissed since The Sovereigns location, reasonable Christmas dinner and availability of parking, were hard to beat. So we are staying put.

For those who put their name in the ballot for the Prudential Ride London-Surrey 100 and did not get a  place, you may wish to apply for a charity place. Many charities have places.  Woking Cycle Club mentioned that our local hospice, Woking and Sam Beare Hospice, have 85 places.  If you are interested you should go to . You will be asked to pay a registration fee of £25 and pledge to raise a minimum of £300 towards the charity.

Norman attended the  access group meeting last month to see if he could get them to rescind the ban on town cycling between 10 and 4. He asked for specific cases of accident complaints between the disabled and cyclists and did not get any true evidence that there had been problems. He then  proposed a motion that “we should encourage people to leave cars at home and use cycles and public transport. Stop making school children break the law to cycle home from school and practice shared space.” When it was put to the vote, three voted to continue the ban and the rest abstained. Not being deterred, Norman intends to ask the Local Committee to rescind the 2011 decision at the next meeting. He has also been very vocal to the police regarding thefts of cycles in town.

I asked Daniel Williams, our contact with Surrey County Council, if he had heard the decision regarding the appeal on Muddy Lane.  I regret the decision has still not been made.

Our  easy Sunday rides start again next month. They are held on the third Sunday of the month. Our first ride will be lead by Norman on 15 March leaving Woking Park at 2PM. We leave at that time so please arrive earlier. We meet by the entrance to the children’s playground right near the little food hut. Rides are around 15 miles at a leisurely pace. They are free to members and £1 per family for non-members. If you need to contact Norman on the day, his mobile number is 07761221340. We ask that everyone have an inner tube for their bike, should the worst happen.

Pub night will be 25 Feb. starting at 7PM at the Sovereigns on Guildford Road.

Happy cycling.

Carole Frost
WCUG Membership Secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s January Blog

Dear All,

                Happy Hew Year and I hope everyone had a lovely holiday season.

I received an email from our chairman, Norman, and he wanted me to pass on this important survey which he hopes we will all respond to. The closing date is 16 Feb. 2020

Should the event continue in Surrey from 2021?

We want to hear what you think about the annual Prudential RideLondon-Surrey cycling event continuing to pass through Surrey from 2021.Prudential RideLondon is an annual two-day festival of cycling which takes place in London and Surrey. Routes pass through Surrey on the Sunday of the event. A professionals race called The Classic and three amateur cycling events the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100mile, 46mile and 19mile routes. These all take place on closed roads.

The amount raised for charity by riders in the first 6 years of the event is £66 million making it Europe’s most successful cycling fundraising event with more than £4.3 million in grants being awarded to 70 projects in Surrey.

Views are now being sought on the event to inform a Surrey County Council Cabinet decision on whether the event continues in Surrey from 2021 until 2025.

To find out more and to share your views please visit our Survey on Prudential RideLondon-Surrey before 16 February 2020. Alternatively you can call 03456 009 009 for a printed copy of the questionnaire or text 07860 053 465.”

And if you know any local charities that could benefit from the money raised please let them know.

            Pub night starts again this month. We will be meeting at 7:30 at the Sovereigns on Guildford Road on 28 January.

            Happy cycling.

Carole Frost

Membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s November Blog

Dear All,

Just a reminder that our rides are finished for the year but our pub nights continue… for a little while. Actually our last Pub night of the year will be November 26 at The Sovereigns on Guildford Road starting at 7:30. We don’t have one in December but we start again in January. Our rides start in March.

We had an email from Daniel Williams at the beginning of November regarding Muddy Lane. Mr Salaman and Mr. Garland have lodged an appeal. They produced a very long statement. Almost every aspect of the case has been challenged and a few new things thrown in for good measure. Daniel understood a hearing will be held on 3 December 2019. He is not sure whether this is a pre-trial discussion or more. If anyone wants to see the full submission just let me know and I will email it to you. It is a very long read.

Road Safety week is from 18 to 24 November and here is a little quiz someone sent me to encourage you to be aware of the highway:
Road Safety Week: How well do you know the Highway Code?

It is a little early to wish Seasons greetings to all but there won’t be a WCUG matters in December so I will anyway . Don’t forget to light up at this time of year.

Happy cycling
Carole Frost
Membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s October Blog

Dear All,

We want to thank Karen for setting a fun quiz last month. She had questions we were to answer from a ride she led on. A good time was had by all! Especially me since I won!!!

And then the sad news was that our all day ride had to be cancelled due to the inclement weather. Our leader Barbara, asked that we have the all day ride next year in July….guess she thinks the weather should be better then! Anyway after all her preparation, I am sorry it had to be cancelled.

Sunday 20 October will be our last Sunday ride till next March. Norman will be leading the ride to see the acers in Windsor Great Park. We will be leaving from near the children’s playground in Woking Park at 2:00 sharp. The ride will be a few miles longer than our usual 15 miles but not too many. If you need to contact Norman on the day, his mobile number is 07761221310. Don’t forget to bring a spare inner tube for your bike should it be needed.

On to other news.I received an email that was a bit of a surprise to me. I quote “ There is a project to build a new pedestrian and cycle bridge by Chobham Road. The bridge will connect the two separated sides of the canal towpath at the Chobham Road junction.

Hopefully this is a good news story, as the project aims to improve accessibility for all users of the canal towpath. I have attached an artist’s impression of the bridge and a plan showing the proposed towpath closure and diversion routes.

In summary, the existing towpath ramp by Kingswood Court will be upgraded and a new pedestrian and cycle bridge will span the canal alongside Chobham Road. A new ramp / towpath on the south side, behind the Lightbox, will pass under the road bridge linking up existing towpaths on either side of the road. Creating an uninterrupted towpath will remove the need for pedestrians and cyclists to cross the busy road junction.

The bridge design is aimed to follow the characteristics of the surrounding area, featuring gabion walls (stone filled baskets), a non-slip surface, steel handrails with built-in bat friendly lighting and associated landscaping.

Planning permission was granted on 24 September and works are expected to begin next month, commencing with a fish rescue and dewatering of the canal between the bridges at Lockfield Drive/Victoria Way and Monument Road. Re-watering the canal is scheduled by the end of March 2020. Basingstoke Canal Authority are part of the project team.

During construction works, a short section of the towpath between The Living Planet Centre and Brook House Common will be closed (map attached). There may also be short periods of highway disruption to allow materials and equipment in and out of the site. Weather permitting, it is expected the new footbridge will be open to the public by summer 2020.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding this project.

Best Regards,Mark Tabner |

Project Manager (Place)”

I am still trying to find out if this email is for real!

Meanwhile, Daniel Williams sent an email a few weeks regarding Muddy Lane. To quote” I have returned from a meeting to discover from the Secretary of State that Mr Salaman and Mr Garland have appealed (dated 19th September) against the Inspector’s decision for Muddy Lane. I know nothing more than this. I will pursue them to see how we find out what their case is and what the likely timescales are. For now I consider the Order confirmed and a Bridleway in place, we should treat it as such for the time being. I shall continue to make plans for signposting, and any clearance and enforcement works required. Please pass on this information to anyone who might be interested.” At least we have the right to use it now.

Our usual pub night will be 29 October at the Sovereigns pub on Guildford road starting at 7:30.

Hope to see you there.

Happy cycling,

Carole Frost

WCUG membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s September Blog

Dear All,

Lights aren’t just for night.  At the last Pub night, Barbara reminded us of that. She was talking about going down areas where trees form a tunnel and if you are cycling through them in the day, cars can’t see you. So it is a good idea to actually have lights on at all time of the day.           

Some of you may wish to sign up for the Prudential Ride London-Surrey 100 next year. You can enter the ballot now.  For more information go to 

We have two interesting rides on the agenda. Next Sunday 15 September, is our normal social ride with a twist. Karen Smith will be leading it. We are to cycle a route that she will lead and everyone will need to pay attention where we go and what we may pass by! The quiz will be given out at coffee/tea break. All the questions are in order of the route we have cycled. It’s not too hard only a bit of fun. We will meet near the children’s playground in Woking Park and leave at 2:00. So show up and have some exercise and some fun. Karen’s mobile number should you need to contact her on the day is 07745 208838.

Then on 29 September we will be having our all-day ride. It will be led by Barbara Rossouw and Chris Jeggo. The plan is to cycle to Dorking, probably stopping for coffee along the way. Then it will be across to the rolling hills south of Dorking and stopping for lunch before arriving in Reigate where we will catch a train back to Guildford and then a ride back from Guildford to Woking…or a train ride if the trains are running. If you would like to come, please let Barbara know so she can update you on developments and she won’t leave anyone behind at the start. Her email address The meeting place will the usual one near the children’s playground in Woking Park but the departure time will be 8:45. Barbara’s mobile is 07742 809031. For both these rides. Please remember to bring a spare inner tube for your bike should  it be required.

Pub night will be 24 September at 7:30 at The Sovereigns on Guildford Road, Woking.

Happy cycling

Carole Frost

Membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s August Blog

First big congratulations to anyone who did the Prudential London-Surrey 100 last weekend. Well done.

While in the congratulating mood I should say congratulations to us ! We received a notice that the order to confirm that Muddy Lane is to be upgraded to a bridleway, was confirmed by the inspector on 22 July 2019. Daniel wrote “ The Order is confirmed now and to all intents and purposes effective as stated in para 3 of the  Order. There is however the six week High Court period during which an appeal may be made to the High Court. I certainly wouldn’t bet against this possibility, so there is still the remote chance that the Order could be revoked. We will see!! I’ll keep you informed when I decide to advertise the confirmation. Hopefully very soon.” So slightly bated breath till 2 September. If anyone would like to see the  paperwork, let me know and I will send it to you as an attachment. George and Barbara have been down the Lane and say there is work to be done to make it passable. We will have to make our September ride an inaugural one if all goes well!!!

Meanwhile Norman has been working on the route from Chobham to Woking. I am attaching a draft letter (please see Carole’s original e-mail) from Florence Best who is Executive Assistant to the CEO of Bioreginal and is very involved with the plans of this route.

Some other good news,  Surrey County Council has now got a new cycling coordinator (Jeff Wilson).

I have also attached a copy of a letter written by Norman in regards to the manifesto commitment to improve facilities for cyclists in Woking. At the end of this email.

Our social ride this month will be on 18 August and led by Barbara Rossouw.  We are meeting near the entrance to the children’s playground in Woking Park for departure at 2 PM. The ride will be about 15 -18 miles long taking about 2.5-3 hrs including a stop for tea. Should you need to get in contact with Barbara on the day, her mobile number is 07742 809031. Please be sure to bring a spare inner tube for your bike should you get a flat tyre.

Save the date! Our all day ride this year—route still to be decided— will be on 29 September. More about this in my September blog.

Lastly, Pub night is 27 August at 7:30 at the Sovereigns on Guildford Road.

Happy cycling

Carole Frost
WCUG membership secretary

Norman’s letter re manifesto pledge:

Hi Ann-Marie,

At the Cycle Group AGM I asked members for their concerns about the present cycling arrangements; this did not get me many comments.Have now produced a report which lists many of the ways that cyclists are being failed by WBC and SCC.

Over the last 8 or so years many restrictions have been placed on cyclists in the Town centre,the main one being the unwarranted cycling restriction in the  town centre banning cycling from 10am to 4pm daily.This is despite a petition which supported access to the town centre.

Presently there are no through routes for cyclist from the West.[1]The High St route has had a barrier placed on the cycle route by the new bus stops near to Victoria Arch.

[2]The Commercial Way “National Cycle route” which was  a continuation of the Goldsworth Road route has had all signs removed and is totally messed up by the redevelopments.

The CCTV cover of the cycle parking hoops is minimal, resulting in very serious theft of cycles. See the attached pdf. The surveillance of all cycle securing sites needs to be urgently reviewed and upgraded.

With the exception of a few newly installed hoops near the main entrance to Wolsey Place, a majority of the securing hoops are so close together that it is difficult to use the stands .

Towns generally have weather protection provided over the parking bays. Woking have one sheltered one only which is near to the members’ entrance to the Civic Offices.

In order to overcome the shortcomings of the cycle route from the Chobham Road to the Rail Station a contraflow has been designed to enable cyclists to access the Rail Station using Chertsey Road. This has been  outstanding since 2000 when the Woking Cycle Town works were introduced.  Plans were discussed with SCC engineers over a year ago, however there has been no indication of progress.

Throughout Woking, the on-road and off-road cycle routes have all been neglected. The contrasting colours,white lines and cycle symbols painted to indicate routes, have all been virtually obliterated by vehicle and pedestrian movements.This effects all routes to the borough boundaries

On Station Road near to Mimbridge the “Surrey Cycle Route” is signed down Horsell Common Road.At the point where cyclists coming from Chobham need to wait and cross the road there is no off-road hard standing point where cyclists can wait in safety out of the traffic stream.

The SCC no longer employ a Cycling Officer to cover Woking.

Do say if anything needs to be elaborated.



Posted in Blog

Carole’s July Blog

Dear All,               

July finds us enjoying warm weather and good rides. Our long afternoon ride to the Medicine garden went very well. The rain in the morning gave way to wonderful sunshine in the afternoon.  Our next ride will be this Sunday 21 July at 2PM from near the children’s playground in Woking Park. Karen Smith will be leading the ride so should you need to contact her on the day, her mobile number is 07745 208838. Don’t forget to bring a spare inner tube for your bike.

I emailed Dan Williams to see how our Muddy Lane application was going but he still hadn’t heard anything.

We have received notification regarding Highway England’s M25 junction 10/ A3 Wisley interchange update. It is very long and if you would like to take a look at the planning application you can see them in local libraries. I will attach a link to the information:

I would also like to remind you that Prudential’s  Ride London weekend is August 3 and 4. There are a lot of events going on both days and you can read all about them at

Pub night will be 30 July at 7:30 at the Sovereigns. Hope to see you there or on a ride.

Happy cycling,

Carole Frost

Posted in Blog

Carole’s June Blog

Dear All,               

Our chairman, Norman Johns, is recovering from his new shoulder operation and is keeping himself busy working on our behalf while he is off his bike for a few weeks. At the AGM he mentioned that one of the Woking Lib Dem manifesto statements was to improve the cycle infrastructure in Woking . Norman asked if we would  prepare a wish list. One person suggested that a safe refuge be made for people turning into Horsell common road on the road back from Chobham near Mimbridge.  If you can think of anything, would you please send your suggestions to me and I will pass them on to Norman.               

To all our riders who like a  little more cycling on one of our rides, our long afternoon ride will be Sunday July 7. We will be going to the Medicine Garden in Cobham and the ride will be about 22 miles long. We will be leaving as usual  at 2 from near the children’s playground in Woking Park and will be back a little later than usual. If you should need to contact me on the day, my mobile is 07746394639.               

Norman thought it would be a good idea to pass on to you two videos from Cycle England’s latest  communication regarding safe cycling and road positioning:

I would also like to remind you that Prudential’s Ride London weekend is August 3 and 4. There are a lot of events on both days and you can read all about them at

Our next regular easy Sunday ride will be 21 July led by Karen Smith. If you should need to contact her on the day, her mobile number is 07745 208838. Please be sure to bring a  spare inner tube to fit your bike should you be unfortunate to get a puncture.

Pub night is this Tuesday 25 June at The Sovereigns on Guildford Road from 7:30. If you should arrive by car and park in their car park, be sure to register your number plate at the machine at the bar.

May the summer sun continue and make for happy cycling.

Carole Frost

WCUG membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s May Blog 2

Dear All,

Another last minute reminder that Pub night is tomorrow night 28 May, 7:30 at the Sovereigns.

We had our AGM last week and the minutes will soon be available to read on our web site under “useful information”. Norman wanted to appeal once again for those who have suggestions to specific projects to improve the journeys of cyclists in the Woking area, that they should send their suggestions to me. He will then present them to Woking council. Our year runs from end of May to end of May  so this is an extra  “Dues are due” email. Still £5/year or £20/5 years. Membership is for the whole family and offers free Sunday social rides and discount on an affiliated membership to CTC. To activate the CTC membership we will need to send you the code. Details of how to make payment are here.

Bike week in 2019 will be 8-16 June. There are events planned all over the country. Our ride on Sunday 16 June will be part of the event.  To see other events you can go to their website

A few of us have joined the London open garden weekend bike ride in the past. London cycle leaders take groups from one garden to another. There is one led ride on Saturday 8 June and two on Sunday, 9 June. If you want to find out more about it, go to their website

Our next easy social bike ride will be 16 June starting from near the children’s playground in Woking Park, leaving at 2PM. No charge for non-members this time because it is part of Bike Week. Please bring a spare inner tube for your bike should you be unfortunate enough to have a puncture.  If you need to contact me on the day, the number is 07746 394639.

Pub night in June will be on the 25th.Don’t forget to register your  car at the bar should you drive and park in their car park.

George James is organizing the Lions Martian Race (running) on Horsell Common 30 June and would welcome any volunteers who could help with marshalling, handing out water or whatever. Let George know if you can spare some time by contacting him at

We have decided to move our long afternoon bike ride to Sunday 7 July. This ride will start at the same time but we will be back a bit later and we will be going a bit further. More like 20-22 miles than our normal 15-18 miles. I will give more information on this ride in my next email but put the date in your calendar.

Happy cycling.

Carole Frost

Membership secretary

P.S. still no news on results on public enquiry regarding Muddy Lane


Posted in Blog

Carole’s May Blog

Dear All.

I would like to remind everyone that our AGM will be Monday 20 May 2019 at 7:30 at Old Woking Community Centre, Sundridge Road, Old Woking. This is right near to Woking College off  Rydens Way  We hope you can make it. I have attached a note (see below*) from our chairman, Norman Johns regarding a “wish list” and hope you will take a minute to scour your brain and let us know if you have any suggestions. You can respond to me by e-mail should you not be able to make the meeting but we would much rather you came to the meeting! And I will bring lots of membership cards should you want to pay your dues!

We have also had an email regarding the proposals for the provisions of better cycle facilities around the M25/A3 junction. I will forward it to you in a separate e-mail . We have asked to be included in any meetings regarding this matter and if you have any views, let us know or reply directly to them.

Lastly, we will be heading out to Send to see the giraffes and beyond on our ride on Sunday 19 May leaving Woking Park at 2:00.

Hope to see you at the AGM


Carole Frost

*  As one of the Woking Lib Dem manifesto statements was to ” Improve the Cycle Infrastructure in Woking” or words with the same intentions, please can you ask members [before the AGM] if they would send to you a wish-list to be considered at the AGM.

Posted in Blog

Carole’s April Blog

Dear All,

This is very late to remind you that Pub night is this Tues. 30 April at 7:30 at the Sovereigns on Guildford Road.  I was waiting to be sure I could  include the information about our AGM. Our AGM will be Monday 20 May 2019 at 7:30 at Old Woking Community Centre, Sundridge Road, Old Woking. This is right near to Woking College off  Rydens Way. Come and tell us what is on your mind, if anyone would like to join the committee, you would be more than welcome.

The Easter good weather made for a good turnout for the Elmbridge Easter Egg Hunt. There were 2 teams from the WCUG and you will not be surprised to hear we got the wooden spoons! We all know a lot more about Byfleet than we did before though and it was good fun.

Not too far from home, it has just come to my attention that Fleet is having their second annual Fleet Flyer Charity cycle ride on Sunday 12 May. There are three routes of different lengths: 20, 55 and 90 miles. If you are interested read all about it at

I would also like to bring to your attention another event that one of our members, Annette Covey, is an ambassador for. It is not cycling related but you can always cycle over to the Leisure Centre to participate! They are inviting anyone who is living with or beyond cancer, families, friend and healthcare professional to join them once a month to walk, jog, run or cheer on people  at the park run in Woking Park. The event takes place on the last Saturday of the month starting from the Band Stand in Woking Park at 8:40. To read more about it follow the link to

Bike week in 2019 will be 8-16 June. The aim is to  encourage everyone to experience the thrills of ‘everyday’ cycling – whether that’s cycling to work, school, to the shops or just for leisure – to show how cycling can easily be part of everyday life. There are events planned all over the country. Our ride on Sunday 16 June will be shown on the event calendar. To see other events you can go to their website. I am not sure if  the Guildford group are doing their  “ Around the Hogs back” ride this year but I will let you know. It is always a fun ride.

Our year runs from end of May to end of May (don’t ask me why) so this is my usual “Dues are due” email. Still £5/year or £20/5 years. Membership is for the whole family and offers free Sunday social rides and discount on an affiliated membership to CTC. To activate the CTC membership we will need to send you the code. Details of how to make payment are on the website, or pay when you come on a ride or join us at the pub.

Our ride this month will be on Sunday 19 May starting at the Leisure centre near the children’s playgroup leaving at 2PM. I will be leading it and if you need to contact me on the day, the number is 07746 394639. Please bring a spare inner tube for your bike in case you are unfortunate to have a flat tyre.

Last but not least, we are still waiting to hear the results of the Public Enquiry regarding Muddy Lane.

Happy cycling,

Carole Frost

Posted in Blog

Carole’s March Blog

Dear All,

Hope no one got blown off their bike in all the windy days we have had!

Our easy social rides got started with Norman leading our ride in March. Since Easter will be on the third Sunday of the month, our next  ride will be on 14 April leaving from near the children’s playground in Woking Park at 2 P.M. Please bring a spare inner tube for your bike since it is easier to change tubes rather than repair one.

The saga of Muddy Lane has finally come to a close. Or I should say, the public inquiry has come to a close. The site visit was on Weds. 20 March followed by final summations that afternoon.  We now await the adjudicator’s decision. We are not 100% sure we will win but at least we tried. I will let you know the final outcome.

Easter Sunday, 21 April,  will be George James’ Elmbridge cycle club’s “ Somewhat interesting Easter Egg Hunt.” George will explain the full details on the day, but briefly you’ll be riding in twos or threes and will need to navigate to various interesting places around the area where there will be some kind of “easter egg” to find. There is no fixed route, but expect to cycle around 15 to 20 miles or so depending on how many short-cuts you know or can find. The start will be at the usual place, outside the Hand and Spear pub near Weybridge Station at 11am.The final destination will be announced then where the prizes will be given out and usually we stay on for a late lunch.

Pub night is this coming Tuesday 26 March at the Sovereigns pub on Guildford Road. Don’t forget to register your number plate at the bar if you come by car to avoid a hefty charge.

Happy cycling

Carole Frost

Posted in Blog

Carole’s February Blog

Dear All,

The sun is shining and the grass is green and our easy social rides shall be starting next month The date is 17 March and Norman Johns will be leading it. Our rides are held every month usually on the third Sunday of the month. This won’t be happening though in April since the 3rd Sunday is Easter Sunday and George James will probably be having his Easter Egg Hunt that day. So ours will be on 14 April. We meet in Woking Park near the children’s playground. It is best to get there about 1:50 for a 2:00 departure. The rides  are 14-18 miles long and take 2-2.5 hours with usually a tea stop along the way. The rides are free to members but £1 per family for non-members. Please be sure to bring an inner tube for your bike should you have a flat

Since campaigning is one of the mantras of our club, Norman would like me to pass on the following from CTC and ask that you ask Jonathan Lord and the SCC transport rep to push for funding.

It’s time to tell Government: Show us the money for cycling!

The Government has asked councils throughout England to come up with Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs), to help make cycling and walking the natural choice for shorter journeys and to make our streets and towns safer, healthier and better places to travel through, visit, work and shop. Places where we’d all rather be.

However, while many councils are now developing these plans, the Government haven’t put forward any specific funding to help cash-strapped authorities make these plans a reality.

Without this financial support, there’s every chance your council will spend valuable time and money developing detailed cycling and walking plans which will just sit on a shelf gathering dust.

Given that the Government has already admitted that it’s failing to meet its objective to double cycling by 2025, we need your MP and council leader to demand that Government show us the money for cycling.

Over a hundred MPs have already written to demand this vital funding, but you can help us ramp up the pressure by emailing your MP and council leader.  

Just two minutes of your time to take action could help transform where you live, shop, walk and work.”

Norman has  also  been trying to achieve some progress on the Chobham-Woking cycle route but it looks like money is not available.

In regard to the Muddy Lane Inquiry, it was not finished when it was restarted 6-7 Feb. so it will be reconvened on Tues. 19 March at the Council Chamber, Woking Borough Council, Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6YL  at 10.00am. All are welcomed to come and support our cause .

Mariam Melcher  (footpath officer for West Byfleet, Byfleet and Pyrford)  would like some help in trying to get a crossing on Sopwith drive to make it easier for children, cyclists, etc. to cross to the Brooklands Park. You can sign her petition on the following link      The petition closes on 27 Feb. so  time is of the essence.

We hear there are still charity places available on the London-Surrey 100 if you wish to participate. There is a link to the people who contacted us to their web site.

Pub night is 26 Feb. at the Sovereigns on Guildford Road and don’t forget to register your number plate at the bar if you park in their car park behind the pub. 

Happy cycling


Posted in Blog

Carole’s January Blog

Dear All,

I hope you are enjoying the new year though I must admit it has been a bit cold for me to hit the road. Never mind, I am sure many of you don’t let a little cold weather keep you in doors.

 I want to thank Sandra Lee and Chris Jeggo for organizing our Christmas dinner which was very enjoyable. We had about 20 members attend. There was one problem though  that  I must relate to you,  a few of us received parking charges for parking in the car park behind the Sovereigns. Please be warned that they now have a new policy in place where you have to go and register your number plate at the bar when you arrive.  We all were relieved that the charges were cancelled when we explained that we had been in the pub but had not seen the sign regarding the new policy when we arrived in the dark.

I received an email from Arsheen Qasim from the charity Genetic Disorders. She said “ I am emailing from the national registered charity Genetic Disorders UK. We have some charity places for the Prudential Ride London 2019 taking place in Surrey and London on Sunday 4th August 2019. I was wondering if you could please share this info with your cycling group members who may be interested in cycling a challenging but fun 100 mile event for charity. More info is on our website: Any help would be appreciated.” So if you missed out in the ballot and still want to take part, let them know. The full information regarding events on the Prudential Ride London  weekend can be found at

 Meanwhile back here in Surrey the saga of Muddy Lane continues. The Inquiry will recommence at 10am on 6 February 2019 and continue until the 7 February 2019 if required. The venue will be as before : The Council Chamber, Woking Borough Council, Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking GU21 6YL.   We are hoping a definitive answer will be forthcoming… our favour of course. All are welcomed to attend. Running information about this claim is always available on Surrey County Council website at:

Norman has still been busy trying to get the route from Chobham to Woking improved. He had a meeting with Florence (whose last name I fear I do not have) regarding her Company’s Interest in the Cycle Route Initiative Chobham – Woking. He will give a report at our next usual pub night on 29 January.

Keith Cresswell has also been busy in the Byfleet/West Byfleet/Pyrford area. He asked WBC and SCC Councillor Amanda Boote her views on the 20mph issue. As a keen cyclist she responded “ I personally feel that the SCC 20mph speed limit strategy is a positive thing. Wherever possible I would be keen to see cycling lanes introduced and more safety consideration given to this key area. As a member of the Woking Borough Council Planning Committee, I always try to champion cycling when we receive planning applications – be it in terms of ensuring that all new developments have space for bicycle storage and also as regards ensuring that our roads have the proper and safe provision for our cyclists. For example, when Octagon proposed the Broadoaks development for the Parvis Road recently, I lobbied hard to ask for Surrey County Council to create a dedicated cycling lane along this very busy road as part of the developer contribution to improving infrastructure in The Byfleets. “ I am not sure how successful she was but it is good to know someone is on our side.

Once again we could use more people to lead our rides this year, so if anyone can see their way to helping us out, please let me know. It would be appreciated. The rides are held monthly on the third Sunday of the month from March to October leaving Woking Park at 2PM. Routes can be provided. 

The first pub evening of the year will be Tuesday 29 January at the Sovereigns on Guildford road, Woking. Please don’t forget to register your number plate if you come by car and park at the back!

Happy cycling

Carole Frost

Posted in Blog

Carole’s November Blog 2

Dear All,

I thought I should pass on to you what  we have  heard regarding use of the Basingstoke canal tow path. At the last meeting of the  Basingstoke Canal Joint Management Committee one of the items was to consider the adoption of a cycling policy statement and a Towpath Users code of conduct. Speed by cyclists seems to be the main problem. They have adopted a Cycle Policy Statement and Code for Towpath users that I would like to share with you; it’s on the Basingstoke Canal page of the website. If you would like to read the whole discussion please see item 9 on the following link:

Personally I always want to remind them that the only reason we have such a good surface on the towpath is because money from Cycle England was given to Sustrans to improve the surface of the  towpath and to suggest we use the roads instead is especially annoying. BUT we have to live with our neighbours so adopting the “Share the space, drop the pace” and “two tings” is a good thing. I wish the pedestrians would also remember not to walk across the whole path so no one can pass but if we are all considerate of others, this will also happen.

Public awareness campaigns to encourage cooperative shared use of towpaths seems the best way forward. So please pass this on to other cyclists you know and encourage them to Share the Space, cut the Pace.

Norman is working away on setting up regular meetings regarding cycling with WBC and SCC.

Remember to Light the Night to be seen when you are cycling.

Our last pub night of the year is Tuesday 27 November at the Sovereigns on Guildford Road.

Happy and safe cycling,

Carole Frost

Posted in Blog

Carole’s November Blog

Dear All,

                Now that our rides are finished for the year there are a few campaign issues I would like to bring to your attention.

First from Annette:

“Hi Everyone,

As cyclists I think this proposed one way system is of interest to us and our community. If this one way system goes ahead and a provision is not made for cyclists it could force us on to the busy A322 on a very busy stretch, through dangerous bends where there is currently no cycle path. I know quite a few of us use Ford Road/ Lucas Green Road when cycling over towards West End, Bisley, Lightwater, Bagshot, even if only occasionally.

The Surrey County Council Consultation runs until the end of November. If we could share this amongst our cycling community that would be great.

So long as safe provision is made for cyclists I personally would not be opposed to a one way system. My concern is cyclists safety being over looked.


And then from our chairperson, Norman:

“I would like to arrange a regular meeting with Geoff McMannus at WBC I rather like the opportunity to meet 3 or 6 monthly… please see what folks think. Who would like to join me at the meetings? Also I would like to contact the WBC officer who has the job of encouraging shoppers into the town centre. We could encourage cycle use- ” saving car miles, parking fees  and time” if we had WBC detail the easy cycle routes in, especially from the Pyrford, Sheerwater, Woodham  points. Thoughts please.



Congratulations to all members who led or did back up for the rides. “

A few years ago we had a forum meeting about 3 times a year where we discussed cycling issues with members of SCC. They came to an end when the role of dedicated cycle officer was cut. Norman recently has been meeting with the WBC to champion our case for consideration of cyclists in and around the town centre. He would welcome some company at these meetings. If you would like to help and join Norman, please reply to this e-mail and I will pass on your information to Norman.

We heard from Daniel Williams about his response to the objections that caused the enquiry on Muddy Lane to be adjourned in May. We  have read it and think it is very  positive for us. But we have thought that before so we shall see.

Our last pub night of the year will be 27 November. We don’t have a pub night in December.

A reminder to be sure to have  lights and reflectors on your bikes so you can be seen in the dark.

Happy cycling,


Posted in Blog

Carole’s October Blog 2

Our last Easy Social Sunday ride will be Sunday 21 October. We will be checking out the Acers in Windsor Great Park. The leader of the ride will be Sandra Lee. She will be leaving the usual place near the children’s playground in Woking Park at 2PM. The acers should be lovely this year.

 Our pub night will be 30 October at the Sovereigns on Guildford Road.  Steve or Norman may be there to once again show what is being  planned for cyclists in Woking in the future.

 The public consultation regarding the planned redevelopment of Guildford Rd. south of Victoria Arch comes to a close soon. 24 October.  We urge you to look at the proposal and let them know your views.  Follow the link to the consultation,

Happy cycling,

Carole Frost
WCUG membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s October Blog

A reminder that our long afternoon ride will be this Sunday, 7 October. We will be leaving from our usual place, near the entrance to the children’s playground in Woking Park at 2:00. The ride will be following the tow path to Weybridge where we will pick  up the new off road bicycle route to Walton bridge, where we will have tea. The ride will be a little longer than usual, around 20 miles, and we will be back a little later than usual. Karen will be leading the ride and if you need to contact her, the number is 07745208838.

Norman and I went to the exhibition regarding the planned redevelopment of Guildford Rd. south of Victoria Arch. They are proposing to remove the gyratory and make  it two ways. A public consultation is on line until 24 October and we urge you to look at the proposal and let them know your views. Personally I object to the fact that you cannot turn left into Heathside Rd. therefore making it very difficult to get to Woking Community Hospital  by car. Follow the link to the consultation, and give your opinion.

 Norman and Steve had a meeting with SCC and WBC engineers about plans for town cycling in the future. There are many plans afoot. Steve brought the plans of the proposals to the last pub night to show us. He said the people they talked to actually were very interested in putting in quality cycling facilities and so constructive criticisms would be welcomed. I will see if Norman and/or Steve are able to come to the next pub night, 30 Oct., and bring the plans if anyone wants to come and see them.

Happy cycling,

Carole Frost
Membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s September Blog

Dear All,

Our easy social ride will be this Sunday 16 Sept. starting at 2PM from  near the children’s playground in Woking Park. We will be going across Whitmore common and having tea at Rokers before heading back to the Park via the Hoe Valley path. If you need to contact me, my mobile number is 07746 394639.

Our long afternoon ride will be on 7 October led by Karen Smith. She will be leaving the usual place at 2PM but will be back a bit later than usual. The route will be along the towpaths to Weybridge and then along the new cycle route from Weybridge to Walton Bridge. Tea will be at the bridge and then back along the Thames path. It will be about 20 miles long and  promises to be a really flat route! If you need to contact Karen, her mobile number is 07745 208838.

Norman is meeting with someone from  Woking borough council next week to try and sort out some cycling problems which we are all having with all the construction going on in the town centre. He hopes it will be productive.

One good bit of news has been the initiative to widen the existing footpath to create a shared footpath and cycle path along the A30 between Camberley and Bagshot. To read all about it, click on the link under ‘Latest news’ on the Welcome page of the website.

Pub night will be Tuesday, 25 September at the Sovereigns on Guildford Road.

Happy cycling

Carole Frost
WCUG membership secretary

Posted in Blog

Carole’s August Blog

Our Treasure Hunt which was set by Ralph Brown was a fun  ride. Karen and Andrew Smith were the winners. Thanks go to  Ralph for all his hard work. He might even be persuaded to do another one next year!

Out next ride will be 16 September starting from the Leisure centre near the ice cream hut near the children’s playground at 2 PM. Since I  will be leading it… will be as hill free as possible!!! If you need to contact me on the day the number is 07746394639

I will give you a little extra warning to remind you that our long afternoon ride will be on 7 October. We leave from the leisure centre at the same time but we will be back a bit later. Barbara will be leading us to Walton Bridge via the new bike route from Weybridge.

 Pub night will be next Tuesday evening, 28 August at 7:30 at the Sovereigns Pub.

Last but not least, we have been notified that the Muddy Lane Inquiry recommencement date has been set for 6-7 Feb 2019! When I emailed Dan Williams saying how disappointed I was that it was so far in the future he replied:

“Yes I was expecting a date before the end of this year at the latest. I think the Planning Inspectorate are under a lot of strain at the moment- every transaction seems to be taking 2-3 times longer than it did a few years ago. I suspect like many public bodies they have been cut to the bone. It gives plenty of time to prepare and time to forget where we were if we are not careful.” So the saga continues.

Happy cycling.

Carole Frost

Posted in Blog

Carole’s July Blog

Dear All,

Save the day. We are having a treasure hunt as our ride in August. That is 19 August, 2018. We will be starting from our usual place…near the entrance to the children’s playground in Woking Park at 2PM. Riders will follow clues and see how many answers they can find in two hours. Then it is a return to the Leisure centre to find a winner. We hope it will be a fun afternoon and suitable for all the family.

Other news and dates for your diary. The Prudential Ride London Free cycle  will be Saturday 28 July. Follow the link to the Web site to sign up. This is a fun day for the whole family riding on traffic free streets around central London.  Either go up to London by train or if you would like to add a little extra cycling, join the group who leave from Kingston on a led ride. You can find the information about where they are meeting when you register to participate and follow the link under the “led Rides”. The rides are very well organized and only 14 miles to where they leave you in London. When I have gone on these rides we have taken the train to Surbiton and then cycled to the meeting place in Kingston, usually by the market, and ended up on the Mall by Buckingham Palace. Other  events on the day are: Ride London Classique Pro women’s race starting at 17:00,  the Brompton World championship final at 19:15 and the 2018 Prudential RideLondon Handcycle Grand Prix which will start at 19:50 .

The Brompton race is always interesting because no lycra is permitted and fancy dress is encouraged. The race starts  on the Mall with a Le Mans-style dash, with entrants frantically unfolding their Bromptons before taking on the 16km circuit.

There are all sorts of things going on that day in the Festival Zones between 9 and 4.Here is a link to the map or the route and where the festival zones are.

The big day for the dedicated cyclists of course is on Sunday 29 July. There are more choices this year to participate. There is the 100, 46 and 19 miles routes. All of the ballot places have been filled but you might still be able to get a place with one of the charities. Then the big race with professional cyclists is the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey Classic. If you want to watch them whiz by there are a lot of places to watch along the route near us since it comes through Weybridge, Byfleet, West Byfleet, Pyrford ,Ripley ,West Horsley and East Clandon before heading for Box Hill. If anyone has a place and are riding we wish you good luck.

Norman has been busy campaigning on our behalf when not cycling around Bulgaria with Steve. He noticed  a prohibition notice for cyclist at the High Street end of Chapel Street. Since Commercial Way from Goldsworth Road up to the High Street end of Chapel Street are designated National Cycle routes he asked for this to be removed. This has been done. Things are definitely a challenge for cyclists in Woking  at the moment but when this all is finished he is hoping we will have better routes . He and Steve have set up a meeting to discuss cycle plans in September with a member of the council.

We are still waiting for a new date for the resumption of the Muddy Lane Inquiry.

Ride to work day is 15 August and you can sign up at

Pub night will be 31 July

Hope to see many of you on our treasure hunt.

Happy cycling and don’t forget to keep hydrated on rides in this weather.

Carole Frost

Membership secretary.

Posted in Blog

Carole’s June Blog II

Dear All,

I forgot to send a reminder that Pub night was last night but I did want to remind those who are interested in a nice long all day ride, that ours will be this Sunday 1 July. It will be to Shoreham via the Downs Link around 40 miles and led by Barbara Rossouw with back up from Chris Jeggo and Karen Smith. They will be leaving Woking Park meeting where we usually meet by the children’s playground at 8:15. If the weather stays hot, be sure to take lots of water and a swim suit if you want to take a dip before catching the train home. If you intend to go will you please give Barbara a call on her mobile 07742809031 or email her on, so she won’t leave without you. And don’t forget to take a spare inner tube, or two.

Our AGM was held on 18 June and the minutes can be read on our website under the Useful Information heading.

Cycle to work day is back. This year it will be Weds. 15 August. copy the link, pledge miles and maybe win a prize!

We have also had an appeal to “Ride to the Moon-save a Dad ” to tackle prostate cancer. Read all about it and get involved!: I have attached the poster should you want to organize an event at work or pass on the message to other cyclists. You can even contribute miles by spinning in the gym.

We have also been contacted regarding an event taking place in September, starting in Tadworth which is a bit of a distance but if you fancy doing something for the Children’s Trust on 9 September, go to the following Web site.

Meanwhile we are still waiting to see the date when the Muddy Lane public enquiry will resume..

Another note for your diary. Les Bowerman informs me that the Veteran-Cycle Club Ripley Section’s Jumble sale will be 15 September in the Ripley Village Hall.

Our next easy social ride will be 15 July starting near the children’s playground in Woking Park leaving at 2PM. Norman will be leading the ride so should you need to contact him on the day, his mobile number is: 07761221310. Don’t forget to bring a spare inner tube for your bike.

Pub night will be 31 July.

Take care when cycling in this heat and drink a sufficient amount of water.

Happy cycling,

Carole Frost

Posted in Blog

Carole’s June Blog

Dear All,

Summer is here, the sky is blue. May it continue!

This is Bike Week and I hope you pledged miles and are just waiting to see if you won a bike. Our Bike Week ride will be this Sunday, 17 June starting as usual from near the children’s playground and Woking Park, leaving at 2PM. Since it is part of Bike Week, it is free. It will be led by Julia and Val and will mostly be on the canal tow paths so road bikes really won’t be suitable. Tea will be at the Anchor. Julia’s mobile number is 07989552436  should you need to contact her on the day..

The Muddy Lane Inquiry was adjourned due to a late submission by the main objector. A new date was made which was to be 26 June, but unfortunately that date has also had to be cancelled since Daniel Williams , our chief witness, has a conflict of dates. So no Inquiry on 26 June. I will send an email when the new date has been decided.

 Our AGM will be Monday 18 June 2018 at 7:30 at Old Woking Community Centre, Sundridge Road, Old Woking. This is right next to Woking College off Rydens Way. Come and hear a report on our various campaigns including Muddy Lane. Come and tell us what is on your mind. If anyone would like to join the committee, that could be arranged.

I received the following from Barbara who will be leading the all day ride on 1 July:

WCUG all day ride 1st July, Down’s link to Shorham starting from Woking Leisure Centre meeting at 8.15.Have a good breakfast before setting out.  Stopping for elevenes along the Downs Link then lunch in Shoreham.  We will take the train back.  Tickets can be bought in Shoreham £29.10 (group tickets would lower the cost) see Trainline for train times. Hybrids or mountain bikes are the best fit for the Downs Link.  Estimated gentle pace of 9 miles per hour.  No one will be left behind.. Karen, Andrew and Chris are joining us as the support team. Bring water and nibbles for the road and a swimsuit for a swim in the sea. “

I suggest you let Barbara know if you will be going on the ride so no one will be left behind—at the start!  Her email is, and if you need to contact her on the day, her mobile is 07742809031.

Pub night will be 26 June at the Sovereigns.

Happy cycling

Carole Frost

Posted in Blog

Carole’s May Blog

Dear All,

            Only one more week to go to see if we actually mange to get Muddy Lane opened to cyclists. The public inquiry will be held at Woking council chambers on May 22-23 starting at 10:00. Everyone is welcome to attend and support our request to have the Map modification order confirmed.  You don’t have to be there the whole time. We did have an email from a cyclist to say they had used the lane starting from Byfleet recently without being challenged and that the gate at Mr. Garlands end was actually down. We live in hope.

            Soon it will be Bike Week ( 9-17 June) which encourages everyone to experience the thrills of ‘everyday’ cycling – whether that’s cycling to work, school, to the shops or just for leisure – to show how cycling can easily be part of everyday life. There are events planned all over the country. Our ride on Sunday 17 June will be shown on the event calendar. To see other events you can go to their website. And then you might like to win a bike!!!  Win a Bike a day with Love to Ride! Love to Ride are giving away a bike a day, everyday, during Bike Week. All you need to do to enter the prize draw is register at, ride a bike anywhere, anytime for just 10 minutes during Bike Week (9-17 June) and log your ride!

            We  had a message from Paul Smith who is a freelance writer who helped  create a guide called ‘How to Prevent your Bike from being Stolen’. It offers very useful tips and advice on keeping one’s bicycle safe from theft both at home and in parks and other public spaces. We have added a link to this excellent guide on our website.

            I regret I missed a letter when I was trying to pass on to you the link about using a ferry for touring with a bike. Here is the correct link: ,

            We had another interesting call for support :

            Our year runs from end of May to end of May (don’t ask me why) so this is my usual “Dues are due” email. Still £5/year or £20/5 years. Membership is for the whole family and offers free Sunday social rides and discount on an affiliated membership to CTC. To activate the CTC membership we will need to send you the code. Details of how to make payment is on the website.

Our AGM will be Monday 18 June 2018 at 7:30 at Old Woking Community Centre, Sundridge Road, Old Woking. This is right next to Woking College off Rydens Way. Come and tell us what is on your mind, if anyone would like to join the committee, you would be more than welcomed. We will have a report about the Muddy Lane inquiry.

Our next ride will be this Sunday 20 May led by Karen Smith. Should you need to contact her on the day, the telephone number is 07745208838. We meet near the children’s playground In Woking Park for departure at 2 PM.

Lastly, our next Pub night will be 29 May at the Sovereigns Pub on Guildford road at 7:30.

Happy cycling,

Carole Frost

Posted in Blog

Carole’s April Blog

Dear All,

A lot of consultation has been going on in regard to the M25 Junction 10/A3  and two members went to a workshop regarding this. I copy their reports here Workshop-reports since I think they will be of interest to all.

In regard to our usual matters, we had to cancel our first ride of the season (first time that I can remember) due to snow! So our first ride of the year now will be 15 April leaving from near the children’s playground in Woking Park at 2PM. The contact number should you need to contact the ride leader will be Norman Johns  07761 221310. May the sun shine and may it be a nice day.

I don’t know how many have seen the plusBike started by National Rail. Many of us like to take our bikes by train to the start of an adventure and PlusBike is a one-stop shop for information about your combined cycle and rail journey. To find out how to use it, go to

I sent out an email (see below – Editor) a few days ago reporting on the successful campaign to get an off road route along the A245 from Cobham to Byfleet.

Also a reminder that the public enquiry regarding Muddy Lane will be 22 May 2018 at the  Council Chamber, Woking Borough Council, Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6YL starting at 10 a.m.

Lastly, pub night will be 24 April at the Sovereigns pub starting at 7:30.

Happy cycling,

Carole Frost

Membership secretary

Posted in Blog